Nignaljal community School, in the Oti region under the Nkwanta north district appeals for teachers.


Nignaljal community School, in the Oti region under the Nkwanta north district appeals for teachers. 

NIGNALJAL PETER, the chief of NIGNALJAL community, has expressed concern about not having teachers in the community. He is also seeking assistance to complete a school pavilion which was erected three months ago but not completed.  

There were several failed attempt to get a school in the community, but luck shinned on them when the DCE came to their aid with the school pavilion, after they made a complain to him. The challenge now is there are no teachers to help their children with their studies.

Nignaljal community School, also known as ‘Wui community School’, founded a private school in 2002 and was named after its founder, Nignaljal community school but the school has collapsed.

According to the Chief of Nignaljal Community, Ubor Nignaljal Peter, the DCE came to their aid and raised a two-unit pavllion classroom but lack teachers.  "DCE told us that we should get teachers and be paying them for some time and he will see what he can do to help us, but since he raised the pavilion for us, we are unable to get teachers to handle our children." 

According to him, the school also lack learning materials, student desks, lighting, and sports equipment, and as a result appeal to NGO’s, individuals, civil society organization and other stakeholders to come to their aid.

Mr Nignaljal Banabas, a resident of the community said, they have lost three children due to lack of school in the community "what the chief said is true. When we needed schools we didn’t get but we were not reluctant, we established a lot of schools but collapsed due to lack of teachers. This have forced us to send our children to Kpassa to school there, since the kids can’t loiter in the house. And this has claimed three lives of our children, leaving one injured due to road accident which is becoming rampant. So we are appealing to the authorities to come to our aid, we need teachers he added."

Source: Manascogh


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